
About the Leopards

Making a Difference
At the High School for Law Enforcement and Public Safety, we provide our students with a state-of-the-art facility. We work in collaboration with the New York City Police Department and Police Athletic League to positively impact the community. Our school offers a challenging academic program introducing careers in law, law enforcement, and public safety. By fully integrating the themes of law enforcement and public safety throughout the educational program, students come to understand how all areas of study are interrelated and how their educational experience supports their career choice. Founded in 2003, the School is located in Queens, NY, and reflects the diverse backgrounds and cultures of the area. We’re extremely proud of our students and staff, who are always eager to learn, create, and grow together. Give us a call if you need more information.

Graduates of the High School for Law Enforcement and Public Safety will be prepared to pursue careers in law enforcement, public safety, and the judicial system, attend college and/or enter the workforce.
Students will be committed to pursuing excellence within themselves, their communities, and the world.
Our school aims to cultivate independent and motivated students who take LEAPS towards opportunities for personal growth and achievement within their local communities and globally.
Leadership- Facilitating leadership through active engagement in our Student Government Association and collaborative initiatives with the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the NYPD Explorers Program.
Equity- Promoting diversity by implementing culturally sensitive education and extracurricular activities that foster respect for all individuals.
Achievement- Providing students with access and opportunities to earn college credits, develop college preparatory skills, and gain exposure to advanced courses specifically geared to equip them for their future college and professional endeavors.
Positivity- Creating a positive environment for students by encouraging the development of their self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social-management abilities through the implementation of social-emotional learning (SEL) trips, activities, events, and mentoring programs.
Success- Cultivating and commemorating student achievement through alumni-led initiatives and community events that foster the development of global, digital, and intellectual civic competencies.

Queens South High School’s Inclusivity Commitment at the High School for Law Enforcement and Public Safety is the following two school guidance counselors, a full-time school social worker, a school psychologist, two school family workers, SETSS programming, 15:1 classes, and two ENL teachers.